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Estée Lauder Specials

Discover the best Estée Lauder specials and enjoy exclusive savings with limited-time offers. From free gifts with purchase to exciting daily deals, there’s always something special for everyone. Take advantage of discounts on luxury skincare, makeup, and fragrance products. Plus, sign up for the Estée E-List Loyalty Program for even more rewards and perks. Don't miss out on the Estée Lauder family and friends sale, where you can shop your favorite products at discounted prices. Start shopping these unbeatable deals now and treat yourself or a loved one to luxury beauty essentials.

Offer Details

View the full terms and conditions
for all our offer below.

3 For 2: Shop any three (3) products online at http://esteelauder.co.nz and receive the lowest priced item, FREE. Offer valid until 11.59pm AEDT on Sunday 23/02/25 or strictly while stocks last. Offer strictly applies to purchases of three (3) Estée Lauder products only, in a single transaction. No offer code required. Offer will automatically apply up to 33% off discount on qualifying orders at checkout. Please note: Discount will not apply if there are more than (3) products within the shopping cart. Offer is online only and not available in conjunction with other offers and selected E-list loyalty benefits.

*Limited Edition Offers are available while supplies last. Shop early as quantities are limited, and they may sell out quickly. † Not valid with any other discounts, special offers, including gift with purchase and purchase with purchase programs. Quantities are limited and all offers are subject to availability while supplies last. Only one sample offer may be applied to each order; sample offers may not be combined. To ensure best availability, there is a limit of one to a customer. Offer available to New Zealand residents only. All "Free Shipping" offers are for STANDARD SHIPPING only, unless otherwise specified. Applicable purchase amount does not include shipping charges. Please note expiration dates where applicable. Offers expire at 11:59 PM New Zealand time on the stated expiration date, unless noted. Offers cannot be applied to previously placed orders. We reserve the right to cancel any order due to unauthorised, altered or ineligible use of offer and to modify or cancel any promotion due to system error or unforeseen problems. We reserve the right to substitute any free item offered with an item of equal or greater value. Ongoing offers are subject to change without notice. Other restrictions may apply.
